Nils-Petter was commissioned to create a spectacular illustration for Trelleborg's brand-building publication, T-time Magazine, and its "Trelleborg in..." series, where each illustration highlights the company's operations in a specific country. For this second in the series, the client wanted an eye-catching three-page-wide fold-out illustration to showcase a selection of the company's products in use across the United States.

”From the dense forests of Alaska to the rolling prairies of North Dakota, and from the chilly peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the tropical climates of Florida, the United States' diverse weather conditions create unique opportunities for Trelleborg's products and solutions."
The Brief. The client's brief outlined the depiction of multiple scenes from across different states – locations with entirely different climates and contexts—such as prairies, deserts, the Rocky Mountains and subtropical areas. The image was going to be used for a 3-page wide fold-out – to create a little wow factor as the reader unfolded the spread – discovering that Trelleborg's products are found everywhere across the US continent (and indeed the entire world).
The Concept. To fit everything in – and to elevate the impact of a luxurious fold-out – Nils-Petter thought of a concept where the illustration itself borrowed character from the folded paper of the spread, integrating the very folds and creases into the design to create a sense of depth and dimension.
The different geographic locations were sketched as flat landscapes on backdrops, panels, and props, set in a semi-isometric perspective. In this way, they could be placed closely together to save space and serve as clear dividers between the different climate zones and scenes that the client wanted to communicate.
All of this was constructed like a bouquet – with the Trelleborg facility at the center and the backdrops surrounding it, making the spread itself feel like a faux paper pop-up when the page is unfolded. These deliberate design choices would hopefully give the piece a bit of a layered, multidimensional quality, as though the page was coming to life.

1. Initial thumbnail sketches 2.The first concept shown to the client was made in Adobe Illustrator
enabling the flexibility to move objects around and adjust the layout as needed.
Sketch and Research. After Nils-Petter researched references for landmarks and the geographical locations using Google Street View – along with some additional Americana references – Nils-Petter began to sketch out the image in Illustrator, working within the given format (3 pages – 495 x 278 mm). Here, the delicate work of laying out the different parts of the image began – ensuring everything came together seamlessly with the infographics and visual cues.
Illustration. After the sketch was approved by the client, Nils-Petter began to render – building up the illustration piece by piece. This was the most time-consuming part of the production process. But here, the client wanted something unique and hand-made. The attention to detail in an illustration adding depth and character, creating a more authentic and memorable artwork that would stand out, offering a distinctive, lasting impression that reflects a brand’s commitment to excellence.

3. Work in progress. Piece by piece, the objects are rendered. 4. A quick cardboard maquette of the airplane
to use with a flashlight for shadow studies.
Finalization. In the final stages of the process, Nils-Petter introduced an additional layer of realism and complexity: shadows and atmosphere. Here, Nils-Petter created quick cardboard maquettes of the airplane and a few decorative elements to use with a flashlight in order to determine how shadows would fall naturally. (Cutting cardboards was a welcome break from many hours in front of the computer screen.) The final touch was working with textures and atmosphere before sending the completed image to the client.
T-Time magazine is published in English, German, Swedish, French, Spanish and is distributed to Trelleborg customers and shareholders, investors and analysts worldwide. Trelleborg is a world leader in engineered polymer solutions that protect advanced applications in challenging operating conditions. Its innovative solutions accelerate performance for customers in a sustainable way. The Trelleborg Group had annual sales of about SEK 34 billion in 2023 and operations in about 40 countries. The Trelleborg share has been listed on the Stock Exchange since 1964 and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap.
Client: Trelleborg
Illustrator / illustratör: Nils-Petter Ekwall
Graphic Design: Markus Ljungblom (Appelberg)
Publishing Agency: Appelberg

Center piece of the illustration - Trelleborg’s Innovation Facility in Plymouth, Minnesota. One of eleven Trelleborg facilities in the U.S. dedicated to the healthcare and medical industry. (The Innovation Center comprises several core competencies critical to medical device and pharmaceutical component development, including design, consultation, toolmaking, prototyping, high-precision machining, silicone molding, thermoplastic molding, automation, assembly, and secondary operations.)
Top of the image: Trelleborg’s advanced composites fuse layers of material to create durable structures for aircraft. replacing aluminum parts, reducing weight, lowering fuel consumption, and allowing for more passengers.

Trelleborg’s Innovation Facility in Plymouth, Minnesota as a stand alone cut-out illustration.
Top right corner: Trelleborg’s mooring solutions accommodate a largest cruise ship in the Port of Miami.
Middle right: A new testing facility in Indiana is dedicated to the development of specialized H2Pro™ materials for the hydrogen industry.
Bottom right corner: Trelleborg’s O-rings and gaskets ensure the safe transport of hazardous chemicals by train through sensitive natural areas.
Bottom left corner: Trenchless pipe rehabilitation seals sewers from the inside using a polymer liner, preventing pollution from seeping into groundwater. This no-dig method minimizes disruption to communities, traffic, and the environment.
Bottom center: U.S. Highway 40 – Brake shims are one of Trelleborg’s many products used within the automotive industry.

U.S. Highway 40 as a stand alone cut-out illustration.

The finished illustration in use on the 3-page wide fold-out, together with the legend. T-Time #3-2024
–––––––––––––––––– Trelleborg in India. First illustration in the series. ––––––––––––––––––
Read more here:

Trelleborg in India. First illustration in the series.

The finished illustration in use on the 3-page wide fold-out, together with the legend. T-Time #2-2024
En kort sammanfattning på Svenska: Illustratören Nils-Petter, baserad i Stockholm, fick i uppdrag av Appelberg att skapa en spektakulär illustration för Trelleborgs varumärkesbyggande tidning, T-time Magazine. Uppdraget var att visa företagets produkter i användning över USA på ett imponerande 3-sidig uppslag. Illustrationen skulle spegla olika klimatzoner som prärie, öken och bergsområden. Genom att använda Illustrator och referenser från Google Street View skapade Nils-Petter en illustration där landskapen placerades nära varandra för att spara plats och ge en känsla av djup. Slutligen lades skuggor och atmosfär till för att skapa realism. Resultatet blev en unik och handgjord illustration som ger ett bestående intryck av Trelleborgs engagemang för kvalitet.
Kund: Trelleborg
illustratör: Nils-Petter Ekwall
Grafisk design: Markus Ljungblom (Appelberg)
Publishing Agency: Appelberg