Nils-Petter was commissioned to illustrate In it to win it - an ongoing series of articles by Grant Thornton for their website and social media channels. With topics like gender equality, climate change, need for action, sustainable value chains and whistleblowing platforms, Grant Thornton hopes In it to win it will inspire the entrepreneur to make better choices and smarter investments for the future. The challenges of the planet, as well as the demands of employees, customers and investors, requires action today.
The color palette had to include (but where not limited to) the Grant Thornton's brand colors; purple (PMS 268C), white (0000), warm grey (PMS 2C), teal (PMS 7710C), green (PMS 375C), orange (PMS 1505C) and red (PMS 185C). Nils-Petter used the brand colors as the base from which additional colors could be mixed. To add depth and seriousness the subjects needed - darker grey and black was added.

Grant Thornton is one of the world’s largest professional service networks within accounting and provides services in auditing, finance services, tax and consulting services.
Illustration: Nils-Petter Ekwall Client: Grant Thornton