Nils-Petter was commissioned by Wardour to illustrate London Stock Exchange Group's 1000 Companies to Inspire Europe 2017. 1000 Companies to Inspire Europe is an annual report which identifies Europe's most dynamic and fast-growing small and medium-sized businesses. The illustration - a cityscape made up of European landmarks was used for the cover and on the inlays of the report and contains landmarks like Turning Torso, Little Mermaid, Brandenburg Gate, German Reichstag, Big Ben, London Eye, Eiffel Tower, Grande Arche, Colosseum, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, King Sigismund's Column, Atomium, Schönbrunn Palace, Helsinki Senate Square, Gigants Causeway, St Patricks Cathedral, Acropolis, Dom Louis I Bridge, Jerónimos Monastery and Berlaymont EU office.
Client: London Stock Exchange Group Illustrations: Nils-Petter Ekwall
