Nils-Petter was commissioned by Lund Municipality to visualize it’s IT-infrastructure in an easy explainable infographic illustration.
The Illustration is divided into three levels; Operations and services, Soft Infrastructure and Hard Infrastructure and was designed to work as stand-alone modules for presentations.
The upper layer shows the picturesque city of Lund and it’s services, boiled down to a few buildings; City Hall (Kristallen), the Town library (Stadsbiblioteket), Schools (Fäladsskolan), Sport arenas (Sparbanken Arena and Centrala Idrottsplatsen), Public bathing (Högevallsbadet), the Central Station, Parks (Stadsparken), daycare and public utilities etc.
In the background a flat decor with the Lund city skyline containing landmarks like Lund Cathedral, Lundagård park, the Monument Park, Ideon Gateway, All Saints Church (Allhelgonakyrkan), the University Hospital (Blocket), surrounding agricultural landscape and even Nils-Petter’s childhood village (Stångby).
Client: Lund Municipality (Lunds kommun) Illustrations: Nils-Petter Ekwall
