Once a prairie - where hordes of bison grazed. Is now a scenery, for the contemporary "Vedutisti". Like a pulsating super organism of steel, glass, concrete – in blinking neon – The Modern City grows.
These illustrations are part of an ongoing secret project. Investigating the possibilities of escapism through modern architecture and dry city planning as pornography.
Illustration & design: Nils-Petter Ekwall / www.nilspetter.se
client: _X_x_x_
client: _X_x_x_

1. The stratosphere is conquered. The future is bright. News are transmitted through electromagnetic radiation waves via antennas and satellites - orbiting the earth — to radio and television receivers in every home!

2. Cinemas showing latest movies in full Tech-No-Colour on large size screens. 3. The public transport is well developed in the Modern City. The main hub of this ingenious structure is the grand central station where the rapid transit system connects with the international railway. From here – very - fast - trains powered by electricity – transports its passenger to other destinations within a couple of hours.

4. The rapid transit system consists of Metro lines, connecting stations and districts together via tunnels and elevated railways. This rapid transit system has the capacity of transporting a large number of commuters at a given time. People lives in suburbs. It is of great importance the transit is done with zero or very little delay

5. Bauxite, granite, iron, coal, oil, sulphur, diamond, uranium and asbestos are mined from earth — thousands of feet below the ground.

6. In the near countryside national parks and forests offering hiking trails, ski lifts, golf courses, dance palaces and shooting ranges for exercise and physical activity

7. Smoking chimneys reveals the industrial complex where raw materials (e.g. bauxite) are processed into intermediate goods (e.g. aluminum alloy) and finally finished products (e.g cars)"