SF Public Utilities Commission Digital Arts Panorama
Snowfall to Outfall - Illustration for a 58' long and 4' tall interactive digital arts panorama at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission headquarters. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is a public agency of the City and County of San Francisco that provides water, wastewater, and electric power services to the City and an additional 1.6 million customers within three San Francisco Bay Area counties. The illustration shows SFPUC's water transport facilities - from rainwater and glaciers in the mountains to Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, Lake Eleanor and Lake Floyd in Yosemite National Park, water is transported through 167 miles of pipelines and tunnels systems through Central Valley to Bay Area and the Pacific Ocean.
Client: Obscura Digital and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Art director: Marc Melzer, Obscura Digital
Animation: Obscura Digital
Snowfall to Outfall - Illustration for a 58' long and 4' tall interactive digital arts panorama at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission headquarters. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is a public agency of the City and County of San Francisco that provides water, wastewater, and electric power services to the City and an additional 1.6 million customers within three San Francisco Bay Area counties. The illustration shows SFPUC's water transport facilities - from rainwater and glaciers in the mountains to Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, Lake Eleanor and Lake Floyd in Yosemite National Park, water is transported through 167 miles of pipelines and tunnels systems through Central Valley to Bay Area and the Pacific Ocean.
Client: Obscura Digital and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Art director: Marc Melzer, Obscura Digital
Animation: Obscura Digital

SF Public Utilities Commission headquarters lobby

58' long illustration

Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco, Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Bay Bridge,

San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco Bay, Redwood City, Palo Alto,

Central Valley, Calaveras Resorvoir, Tracy, Stockton, Sacramento, Modesto, Turlock

Don Pedro Reservoir, Moccasin, Cherry Lake (Lake Lloyd), Lake Eleanor, Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite National Park.

Work in progress. From the Art Director's layout to map and Google earth studies, sketches and final illustration work in Adobe Illustrator.